Dancing plays a part of our culture in that it expresses celebration, intimacy, and individuality. We clap with enthusiasm for everything that pleases us. Musicians will play their instruments for hours on end with no one listening. Speaking doesn’t need to be mentioned at all. Have you ever been to a ball game where the parents of the players were present? If so, you’ve experienced shouting at it’s best. Singing is done by the talented and untalented alike, and is often done in cars, showers, and on stage. We are a musical people. Lastly, we look at lifted hands. In sporting events or competitions we see this quite often. Whenever a player scores a basket or touchdown the hands go up. It a natural response to an amazing task performed.
Why share all this? We know it, right? Yet, we fail to exercise all these in public worship. David used these expressions because he wanted to worship God with his entire being. His heart was to worship the Lord with everything he had, and he held nothing back in his worship. He wanted to share with us his heart and desire to worship, and he wanted us to enjoy pleasing the Lord through God’s creation…our bodies and souls.
What else can we learn from David? He not only practiced these expressions regularly, he didn’t really care what others thought about it. Even his own wife thought he was nuts and yet, God thought enough of it to call him “a man after His own heart”. Who is our audience? Who is it that we are trying to please in worship? It better be God. Is He pleased with our worship? I hope He is with mine.
I challenge you to seek the Lord in these expressions. Ask Him what He would have you do in your times of worship. Is your heart moved to dance before the Lord and yet you choose to sit? Are you moved to get on your face before the Lord and yet stand because you are afraid of what the person next to you will say? Remember worship is not about you, and it’s not about imitating your neighbor. It’s about letting the Lord lead you to worship Him in a manner that He desires and that we need. What benefit could we possibly gain from kneeling before the Lord? How about humility? What could be gained from shouting to the Lord? How about boldness to speak His name in public? What could we learn about lifting our hands to the Lord? How about submission to Him? James 4:6 tells us, “But He gives us more grace. That is why the scripture says: God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'”
Let us always seek to grow in our worship to the Lord. May we ever allow His spirit to move in us as He directs our actions and responses in worship. After all, it’s about Him and for Him. These are the heart postures of worship: a heart of humility, grace, and reverence before the God who saved us from sin to be His children forever.