7 Ways to Make Resolutions Stick

In an earlier blog, I wrote an “I am” post where we filled in the blanks: “I am _____. And I should be _______.” Well, this is about the “should be” part of that. A lot of us are already dreaming up a new version of ourselves for 2011. And, while we’re all in that mindset, I thought I’d share with you my secret to successful New Year’s Resolutions.

I’ve been chewing on the whole fail-factor for quite some time, wondering why in the world those wonderful resolutions hardly see the light of Resurrection Sunday (aka: Easter)…I mean, if we say we’re gonna do something, why aren’t we doing it? For the past two years, I’ve set pretty high songwriting goals and in a few weeks I will be able to say that I achieved both of them.

These two whole years of goals obviously make me an expert on how to have a successful Resolution! So with all my “expertise,” I’ve come up with some factors that have helped me actually achieve in 12 months what I’ve set out to do at the dawn of a new year:

1. Make it worthwhile. (If you hardly believe in your goal, you won’t waste your time on it.)

2. Make it memorable. (You’d be surprised at how many people forget just what exactly they’ve said they’re gonna accomplish. Case in point: Can you remember your goal for 2009? Or even 2010?)

3. Make it simple. (Ornate complicated goals feel like a complete life overhaul. How possible is that?)

4. Make it achievable. (If we even for a moment think it’s impossible, we will lose momentum…Or worse, we won’t really try.)

5. Make it practical. (Abstract, undefined concepts like “I want to be a nicer person” don’t get very far. They just don’t. I’m sorry.)

6. Make it measurable. (If you can’t keep track of progress, you will start to feel like you’re getting nowhere. This is all about maintaining momentum. Think “forward motion.”)

7. Make it doable. (Mix a little of #5 & #4 together in a blender & you have a pretty good picture of what I’m getting at here.)

“It’s that time of year, when the world falls in love and” sets New Year’s Resolutions! Hopefully, these tips will get you geared up to really do something next year. So act fast while supplies last! Make a small goal–a small change.

But, wait! There’s more!

A lot of small changes add up to a big change. What’s yours gonna be?

NOTE: I just found this article listing a few online goal-tracking services: http://workawesome.com/goals/online-goal-tracking-tools/ VERY helpful. I’ve used one of them myself before.