Home Worship & Creative Leaders Worship & Creative How To's Darlene Zschech: 10 Essential Traits of a Worship Pastor

Darlene Zschech: 10 Essential Traits of a Worship Pastor

6. Build a Culture That Embraces the New

We see that the Levites were trained and skilled in making music before the Lord (1 Chr 25:7). Never compare or be skillful for the sake of it, yet always encourage people to be developing their gifts, to try new things, new ideas. Be vigilant to train and grow and strive for freshness in all that you have been given, for the glory of his name. As the Scripture says:

  • Sing new songs (Isa 42:10).
  • You will be called by a new name (Isa 62:2).
  • I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them (Ezek 11:19).

New songs, new day, new start, new hope, new mercy, new possibilities, new ideas, new ways, new people. God says “new heaven and a new earth,” “new covenant,” “new self,” “new heart,” “new command,” “new creation”…new, new, new!

7. God’s Presence Is Great Power.

Our role is to declare and announce that God is here. If we just play and lead to please the ears of man and satisfy our own desires to play/sing, and march into services without a holy awareness of his presence and magnificence, then we rob people of their spiritual inheritance. Lead people to the courts of our God.

8. We enter “his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise” (Ps 100:4).

This sequence is God’s idea, not just the delight of all sanguines worldwide. Be confident to lead people in the high praise of our God. Announce that our God reigns.

9. Speak a Kingdom Culture.

If your team knows how to play music but the culture is one of negativity, defeat, resistance, offence, pride, lack of self-esteem, jealousy, even of unbelief, then your team will never grow together into a culture that is based on kingdom principles. Kingdom music is crafted in the heart of a human being who gets a glimpse—a taste—or hears the sound of the kingdom of God.

10. People of Prayer

It is a very presumptuous person who thinks you can live an effective Christian life without prayer. Prayer is our lifeline; prayer is our first language; prayer is our direct access. This is made clear in the Psalms—a magnificent book of prayers that teaches us so much about our language before our God. Enter with thanksgiving, bring him everything, love him, adore him, ask of him; this is the language of prayer. As you develop your life of prayer, you are developing your life of faith—and your life of worship.

OK lovely ones, I could pour out my heart for days pondering the answer to “What is a worship pastor?” but that’s it for now. Never forget the honor it is to worship our King,

Love always, Darlene.