Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Youth Group Rules: Essential Guidelines for Youth Ministry

Youth Group Rules: Essential Guidelines for Youth Ministry

6. No tolerance

Declare a no-tolerance policy on issues like alcohol, drugs, weapons, violence, sexual misconduct, discrimination, etc.

7. Code of conduct

I strongly advise creating a code of conduct for leaders and volunteers, preferably together. That way, they know what’s expected of them.

Side note: You may have the urge to outlaw all pranks your youth group could possibly pull. But you can’t outthink teens in that area! In my experience, a general rule like “Use common sense” or “Don’t be stupid and don’t let others be stupid either” goes a long way.

Brainstorm guidelines for youth ministry leaders and students

If you don’t have formal youth group rules yet, I suggest you develop them together. If students have a chance to participate in the rule-making, they’ll be far more likely to keep them. Just ask students what they think is reasonable. You’ll find they come up with a lot of this stuff themselves. Plus, a few of their suggestions might even surprise you!

When you set youth group rules, consider consequences too. What happens when someone breaks a rule once, twice, three times? Include that to avoid confusion.

Once the guidelines are in place…

After you’ve written down rules for your youth ministry, remember:

  • Communicate them well to everyone involved, at least yearly.
  • Have new leaders sign the code of conduct before they start. That way, there can be no issue whether or not they’ve received them.
  • Don’t forget to inform new kids who enter your youth group halfway through the season.
  • It’s always a good idea to inform the senior pastor and possibly the board of the rules. They need to know what’s happening in your youth group.
  • Review the rules regularly and update them when necessary.
  • And please, don’t forget to enforce the youth group rules! Discuss this with leaders and make clear what you expect of them. Do they need to help enforce the rules? Leave no room for confusion.
  • Don’t make exceptions without a (public) explanation. If student X gets away with something, student Y will expect the same treatment.

What guidelines for youth ministry leaders does your church use? Do you include anything I’ve left out? Please contribute to the conversation in the comments.