Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Daily Devotional Prompts: 10 Journal Starters for Focused Prayer

Daily Devotional Prompts: 10 Journal Starters for Focused Prayer

4. One word or phrase from that verse that tells me more about Gods character is…

I almost never use prompt #3 without combining it with this one. Writing down Scripture is a great start. But figuring out how those words apply to your life is even more powerful!

Two of my biggest goals in my walk with God are daily trying to figure out who I am in him and who he is to me. Choosing words or phrases from Scripture that teach me more about God is very impactful. These types of daily devotional prompts help me see God’s truths come alive in my life.

5. Today I want to lift up my…

Praying for others in a journal is so powerful. I always want to follow through when I tell someone, “I’ll be praying for you.” Journaling prayers is a great way to do that.

On my phone, I jot down prayer requests as they come up. Because I don’t always have time to pray at that very second, I open that list during my journaling time and work my way through. That’s when I lift requests up to God one at a time.

6. May you bless and keep…

My pastor speaks a blessing over our congregation at the end of every service. Now it’s one of my favorite parts of Sunday. He changes it up every week. But one Sunday he discussed how powerful it is to speak blessings over others. He recommended the blessing in Numbers 6:24-26.

That’s the blessing I journal over people in my life most frequently. May you bless and keep [name]. May your face shine upon her and be gracious to her. Turn your face toward her and give her peace. Fill her thoughts with your truths today and show her how much you love her. 

7. I trust you, and I surrender into your almighty hands [fill in the blank]…

That difficult situation you may have journaled about in prompt #2? Chances are, pieces of that situation are completely out of your control. If God showed you some things you can do to help the situation, great! But if it’s completely out of your control, this is the time to surrender it to him.

Affirm that the things you know about God’s character are true. God is good, just, and holy. He is always working for your good. And God recklessly loves you! Then let the situation go. Release it into God’s hands. (That’s something you’ll possibly need to do again and again.)