Home Youth Leaders Free Resources for Youth Leaders Youth Lessons on Prayer: A Free Bible Study for Faith Growth

Youth Lessons on Prayer: A Free Bible Study for Faith Growth

• Why do we feel as if we need to say the right words when we pray?
• When Jesus said, “Pray like this,” what did he want us to learn about prayer?

Play the Bruce Almighty clip. Then ask:

  • What about this prayer makes it so real and personal?
  • How does this prayer communicate closeness between Bruce and God?

Give each student a pen and a copy of Philippians 4:6-7. Invite someone to read the verses aloud. Then have everyone jot down notes and mark up these verses as the group reviews the following key words: petition, thanksgiving, requests, peace.

Youth Lessons on Prayer: Petition

  • Why would you petition something? Who is a petition ultimately given to?
  • Give some examples of things that need to be petitioned in our society. What things in our lives could we petition Jesus to change?

Have kids take a few minutes to write down their petitions and bring them before Jesus in prayer.

Youth Lessons on Prayer: Thanksgiving

  • What’s the purpose of offering thanks?
  • What creative way have you said “thank you” to someone?
  • Why is an attitude of thanksgiving so important?

Again, have students take a few minutes quietly to write down things they’re thankful for. Then have them give thanks to God in prayer.

Youth Lessons on Prayer: Requests

Ask a volunteer to read aloud John 14:13-14. Then ask:

If you could meet Jesus face to face and he told you to ask him for anything, what would you ask for? Explain.
• What does it mean to ask for something “in his name”?

Have kids take a few minutes quietly to write down some things they’d like to ask Jesus for. Then have them lift those requests to God in prayer.