Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Lack of Volunteering: A (Mini) Rant From a Longtime Youth Minister

Lack of Volunteering: A (Mini) Rant From a Longtime Youth Minister

3. “Where are the parents of all these neighborhood kids?”

I think many of those disconnected parents are waiting to see what happens. For many of them, this isn’t their first church rodeo. They rode the ride for a while, but the bull threw them off. The fact that those disconnected parents’ kids are back in church is the chance for us to have a “do-over.”

I could go on, but I won’t. The fact is that every church’s youth or children’s ministries need the ask and answer. We need people who occupy a pew every Sunday to occupy the drinks station at VBS. If folks have time to drive to the early-bird special three times a week, then they can drive a few generally well-behaved middle schoolers to camp. We need the adults who had people pour into their younger selves to pass it on.

No “aging out” limit exists to the responsibility or vows we made when receiving children into our church at Baptism or Baby Dedication. So come on, people. Let’s step up!

-Stephanie Caro

P.S. I just signed up to help at my local VBS.

This article about a lack of volunteering originally appeared here.