Are demons real and biblical? Most youth leaders and pastors have probably heard that question. Teens tend to be curious about the supernatural. And for Bible study topics, they’re often interested in studying Revelation.
When young people ask you are demons real and active today, how will you respond? Preparing an answer ahead of time will help you convey biblical truth.
When you talk about Satan and evil, let kids know they’re real—and nothing to mess with. Scripture warns that Satan, our enemy, is like a lion on the prowl. (See 1 Peter 5:8.) The devil and his demons are seeking to devour followers of Jesus.
From classic books such as C.S. Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters” to the new Christian horror-thriller film “Nefarious,” explorations of spiritual warfare abound. Choose the resources that best fit your youth group’s interests and needs. Avoid scaring kids about Satan. But do make sure you answer the question are demons real in the affirmative.
Check out this variety of biblical resources to help young people learn about demons and spiritual warfare.
10 Resources to Address Are Demons Real
The first six resources below contain information and answers about are demons real and biblical. The rest are Bible studies or curriculum material you can use or adapt with teens in your church or group.
1. Answers From the Bible
Explore what Scripture says about demons, both during Jesus’ time on earth and today.
2. Theological Insights About Demons
This insightful blog post explores how the church’s beliefs and attitudes about demons have shifted.
3. A Look at Demon Possession
Bible teacher John MacArthur addresses whether Christians can be possessed by demons.
4. More About the Spirit World
This article tackles supernatural issues from the angle of Halloween.
5. Casting Out Demons
Can Christians cast out demons, as they did during Jesus’ time? Read this fascinating article for Bible-based insights.
6. Reclaiming Authority Over Satan
If you or your teenagers are facing a spiritual battle, read this from Tony Myles.