Preteen Bible Lesson: Explore Jesus’ Important Words to Peter

preteen Bible lesson
Screengrab Youtube @Hungry SciANNtist


Say: Despite Peter’s friendship failures, Jesus still believed in Peter. And even when we fail, Jesus believes in us. We all make wrong choices at times. But we can tell God we’re sorry, and he’ll forgive us. God can still work through us to do big things. And we can never mess up so badly that God stops loving any of us. We haven’t ruined our chances to follow and have a friendship with God, just like all those pencils didn’t ruin the bag. It held strong, and so does God’s love for us!

When finished, open the bags and pour the water into a bowl or sink. Then remove the pencils.

This preteen object lesson is from Sciency-Fun WOWS!: 54 Surprising Bible Object Lessons (ages 8-12). This article originally appeared here.

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