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Youth Leaders

Generation to Generation – Helping Hurting Students

LUKE 1:50 He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear him. Today’s blog is about how to recognize and encourage...

“When In Doubt, Gas It Out” (good advice for dirtbiking, but not for life)

Posted by Kurt Johnston “When in doubt, gas it out”.  Those were the first words of advice a friend gave me when my family...

Cultural Engagement Strategy

Have you ever opened your eyes underwater? You know, without goggles?   All of the underwater world is a blur. Sure, you can see stuff but...

Spiritual Discipline & Teenagers: Know What You’re Up Against

At the ym360 Blog, we’re in the middle of a series of posts that focus on developing spiritual disciplines in your students. You...

Free eBook: 130 Youth Ministry Tips & Ideas

Insights and practical ideas for youth ministry leaders.

Creature Combat

An epic cat & mouse fight that you are sure to love.

How's Your Sense of Vocational Injustice?

It's hard to sit still on things that upset you especially when your work is personal. I have a friend who is really...

Generation to Generation: Taking Time to Talk with God

Each week  we’ll be writing about different ways that we, as leaders, can effectively be examples to our students,  and we’ll discuss ...

Guiding the Discussion in a Youth Ministry Small Group

Matt McGill over at Love God, Love Students had a great post about the discussion he leads with his small group guys. Thought some of these tips...

Sustainability vs. Balance

i’ve blogged some of my thoughts about our (misguided, i believe) cultural artifact of the pursuit of balance before (most completely in ...

Observing vs. Engaging at Church

I first made this discovery at work but then noticed it in my own life. As you can imagine, I’m a little schizophrenic at the...

Why I Believe In Youth Ministers

The most prevalent “trend” in youth ministry in the last maybe decade or so (maybe less), has been an increasing focus put on...

Technology: The Modern Day Pied Piper

David R. Smith asks, "Is technology today’s Pied Piper?"

7 Rules to Help Volunteers Show Up to Meetings

Never have a meeting without a clear purpose.

Is Your Gospel Message Clear?

If Paul needed prayer to ensure a clear proclamation of the good news, how much more do we?

Free Video Download: History of Traders

"A look at people throughout history who traded in things of worldly significance to serve Christ."

Almost Christian: Q&A with Kenda Creasy Dean

An interview with the author who got America talking about teen faith.


Rob Bell's retelling of the Resurrection story.

The Kids in the Foyer: A 3 Year Old's Perspective on Youth Ministry.

Yesterday my 3 year old daughter Kirra was walking into the church. I was going to watch her and Mya while daddy went...

What To Do About Cussing Students

I come across the cussing students issue quite a bit. I’ve got a couple of responses and reasons behind them. - Sold out students can...

‘Flynn’ Portrays the Christian Nationalist Evangelist’s Fight With the Deep State

The film "Flynn" poses as a straight-laced documentary but is starkly silent about Flynn’s current mission: spreading the gospel of Christian nationalism and preparing his followers to wage spiritual warfare, starting by taking over local politics. 

Rebecca McLaughlin on Whether Christians Can Agree To Disagree About Same-Sex...

Dr. Rebecca McLaughlin joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can respond to common arguments that use the Bible to affirm same-sex relationships, the “why” behind God’s design for marriage, and the “beautiful and glorious vision” Christianity has for friendship.

Youth Leaders