Their parents punished them and held them accountable when they rebelled. They read the Bible after dinner every night. And their parents were tough but ultimately operated from a framework of grace. It held up the cross of Jesus as the basis for peace with God and forgiveness toward one another.
Keeping Kids in Church Isn’t a Formula
Kids from wonderful gospel-centered homes leave the church, pulling down youth church attendance. People from messed-up family backgrounds find eternal life in Jesus and have beautiful marriages and families. But it’s also not a crapshoot.
In general, kids love Jesus and stay in church when their parents lead them in faith during their growing-up years. These parents love Jesus vibrantly, serve their church actively and saturate their home with the gospel completely.
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Those words of Proverbs 22:6 don’t constitute a formula that’s true 100 percent of the time. But they do provide a principle that comes from God’s gracious plan. Our God delights to see his gracious Word passed from generation to generation.
Youth pastors: Pray with all your might for true conversion; that is God’s work. Equip the saints for the work of the ministry; that is your work.
Parents: Preach the gospel and live the gospel for your children; our work depends on you.