Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders What Students Really Need from Their Youth Leaders

What Students Really Need from Their Youth Leaders

Someone who will enforce the rules

I wasn’t sure of the best way to title this last point, but I hope to get the idea across. Students will never admit it, but they enjoy rules and boundaries. I am always encouraging my youth leaders to enforce rules and not be afraid to be the authority figure to students. This goes back to the point before: When you really love them, you will have to be the “bad guy” at times. Students don’t need another adult who just lets them do whatever they want; they need an adult who will be an authority figure, who will help them mature into young adults for the glory of God.

I could go on and on, but I believe these are three of the most important things students need from their youth leaders. I have seen these areas come up time and time again in my ministry and want to continue encouraging youth leaders to be the type of adults students need.