Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders 14 Things Students Wish They Told Their Youth Pastor

14 Things Students Wish They Told Their Youth Pastor


Well, there you have it—two really great perspectives from two former students. Pretty cool feedback, huh?

All I am saying is that every few years it may be smart to check in with your former students on the pros and cons about their youth ministry experience. It is to easy to go on autopilot and do the same youth ministry things year after year. I think we sometimes focus on the techniques of youth ministry rather than the actual teens in our youth ministry. It is totally worth it to reconnect with former students. Former students will help give youth pastors a sideways view on what really needed to happen in youth group.

Comfort Challenge:

So contact former students, get their feeedback, and know your youth ministry blindspots.

The Question and Action:

If I was going to hunt down a few of your old students and ask them, “What is one thing you wish you told your youth pastor,” what would they say?