Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders 7 Examples of Bad Friends Who Are Sure to Ruin Your Life

7 Examples of Bad Friends Who Are Sure to Ruin Your Life

4. The “attention must be on me” friend

Spotlight on me. All. The. Time. Do you have friends like this?

These examples of bad friends are plagued with jealousy and bitterness. They’re extremely insecure. And here’s the big one: Their lives are plagued with drama. They live a real-life soap opera yet have no idea why drama always follows them.

Here’s why: These friends sell their souls to the gods of attention and spotlight. These gods are ruthless and require everything. And once the gods of attention and spotlight destroy your worth and value, they kick you to the curb for their next victim.

These friends are toxic because they’re always takers. They take your energy, your joy and your time. But they’ll never celebrate your successes because they can’t. The gods of attention and spotlight won’t allow them to celebrate you; it means they’d take a backseat.

True friends are givers who listen to you and celebrate you. They’re okay with taking a back seat to you. Surround yourself with givers.

5. The “everyone else is doing it” friend

If I had a nickel for every time I heard (or spoke) this phrase as a teenager and young adult, I’d be writing this from an oversized yacht in the Pacific. The “everyone else is doing it” friend justifies every action. Nothing is their fault.

“Yeah, I was doing that, but Jill made me do it.”

“Johnny actually sent the text, I just wrote it. So it’s really his fault.”

You get the idea? Not only do these examples of bad friends refuse to accept responsibility for their actions, but they also refuse to stand for anything. They go with the flow and roll with the crowd. They’re influenced heavily by peer pressure. If the crowd is doing it, they’re doing it.

Here’s why these friends are toxic: As they follow the crowd, they encourage you to do so as well. As they refuse to take accept responsibility for their actions, they encourage you to do the same.

You need friends who are confident in their identity. They’re content in Christ and steadfast in their convictions. Because even if you’re the strong one, it takes only one moment of weakness for this friend to take you down a road you never intended to travel.