Planning a Youth Ministry Calendar: Tips for Looking Ahead

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Planning a Youth Ministry Calendar (cont.)

Current Series and Events

The closest we zoom in for youth ministry planning is the current month. You’ve planned everything from a year out, and you firmed up much of those plans in your season overview. So now it’s time to lock everything down. Key questions to ask at this stage:

  • What adjustments do I need to make based on what’s happened since we planned the year/season?
  • With this calendar, am I balanced and healthy?
  • What can we do to make our youth ministry even better next year?

May God bless you as you serve students and work on planning a youth ministry calendar!

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Josh Griffin
Josh Griffin is high school pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA. He’s the co-counder of and host of the Youth Ministry Garage Podcast. He's authored more than 20 youth ministry resources and is the author of "99 Thoughts for Small Group Leaders" with Doug Fields. Josh is a father of 4 who speaks a little, podcasts a little, Twitters a bit, and blogs a lot. You can find him at!

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