Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Helping Students Relate to God

Helping Students Relate to God

I can imagine a conversation going something like this:

Friend: “Repairing that house might have meant more for me than it did for Frank. But when I saw Frank’s face when the work was done. I mean. There are just no words to describe it. It was like I was part of giving him something that no money could ever purchase.”

You: “Maybe you gave him hope.”

Friend: “Maybe, but his face is just burned into my mind in that moment. I just have so much love for him.”

You: “Maybe you weren’t seeing Frank in that moment.”

Friend: “What do you mean?”

You: “It sounds to me like you saw Jesus in the face of Frank. It happens like that for some people. They encounter God in the people they serve.”

Friend: “Hmm. Maybe …”

Maybe this is evangelism. Pointing out the encounters with God people have already had. Maybe the work of evangelism is to open up people to the God who is already present. Maybe.