9. Tape dollar bills on socks at a dollar store.
10. Leave packages of wipes or diapers on the changing table in a public restroom.
11. Volunteer to clean at a local rescue mission or homeless shelter.
12. Take a gift for a stranger at the hospital. (Give flowers to a person in the burn unit, balloons to a child in intensive care, etc.)
13. Babysit, shop or run errands for someone who’s sick.
14. Donate blood.
15. Deliver goodies and spend time with a homebound person.
16. Visit someone you know in jail or become a pen pal with an inmate. VisitÂ for more information.
17. Sponsor Angel Tree children for Christmas. Visit for more information.
[2] The Sermons of John Wesley: Sermon 92 On Zeal Accessed January 20, 2013.
[3] Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermon 5: “On the Intermediate Coming and the Threefold Renewal,” paragraphs 1-3, in Sermons, 34. Â