Taking Care of the Introverts in Your Youth Ministry

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


I feel like helping kids know these things about themselves and helping them to harness their quietness as inner strength is an important part of our role in walking beside them socially, emotionally and spiritually.

I’m also writing about it because I’m guessing that there won’t be a giant pack of introverts showing up during your Wednesday night youth group to ask for extra time to process how to be true to their quiet self while also participating in the MEGA EXTREME GAGA BALL CHALLENGE OF THE CENTURY.

I appreciate learning about the differences between introverts, extroverts, ambiverts (me) and the whole spectrum that exists between. I think it’s important for us to know the difference between introversion and shyness. It’s important for us to know that extroverts can be shy too. This focus can help us answer those questions about loving introverts best, about empowering their strengths in leadership.

It’s important for us to begin.

So, this is me beginning with you.

Even though I didn’t finish the book.

Even though I’m not sure when I will.

I want to start and this is my best bet for accountability.

Thoughts on how youth ministry can help an introvert at a party based on what I’m picking up from Susan. She rocks.

  • Help kids/teens find a wingman/wingwoman. At Highland Park Youth we try to connect a new student with someone that’s been around longer, someone who can walk into the wild, packed out room by their side. I thought of this as a form of friendship, hospitality, but never made the connection that an introvert may need that support emotionally to walk into a bigger atmosphere. Even more reason to make sure we arrange for the quiet to have a “person” to meet with beforehand to calm any quiet anxiety. Help kids/ teens tell their “person” why they are important to them is a good too. Feeling significant in a friends life is a big deal—giving teenagers words to use helps!
  • Help kids/teens have an out. Help the quiet in your group pick a goal—whether it’s time playing a game, time spent at a party, time spent at an overnight event. Help them set a goal and try to reach it. Talk to their parents in advance and if the student is feeling overwhelmed they know there’s a way for them to exit honorably. There’s no shame in needing an out, we should be willing to help them find one!
  • Help kids/teens take a rejuvenating break. If the noise or crowd gets to be too much, is there a way that’s been communicated (maybe through small groups or through a simple announcement) that a person can find another quiet area to recharge? Is there space for a student to recover? Is there a leader who may want to take this on as their ministry and would be willing to sit with a quiet one who needs a bit of a break before continuing?
  • Help kids/teens invite others to do things that they would like to do. A quiet introvert may feel as if they get dragged into things they may not love to participate in by the whims of others. Help them to make suggestions of things they would like to do or give them space to plan their own kind of “hang out.”
  • Help kids/teens stay curious and compassionate. When meeting someone new, an introverted teen can feel awkward when they sense small talk setting in (an introverted adult can feel that way too!). Give them a challenge to find out what makes that person interesting. Help them to find out what makes the person in front of them human? Help them wonder about the inner pain that could be experienced by others—remembering that every person experiences pain, no matter how outgoing or smooth, helps a student stay compassionate and engaged when they might be tempted to pull away.

Good stuff isn’t it?

Let’s keep connecting the dots and leaning into this.

Thank you, Susan, for giving us some tools to give grace to the quiet introverts in our youth ministry!

P.S. If you love reading books as a sport—and love digesting them thoroughly…there’s a quiet reading revolution happening at little clubby club called THE RDC. Check it out, it’s fo’ free. We haven’t updated the site this month but we do have May book selections on our Facebook page. Check it!

This article originally appeared here.

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Brooklyn Lindseyhttp://www.brooklynlindsey.com
Brooklyn recently founded The Justice Movement, a church youth movement that helps teenagers help others. Her priority is to inspire and resource youth to break cycles of poverty through faith in action. An ordained pastor, Brooklyn has served in full time youth ministry for the last 16 years, authored numerous books, contributes and communicates for Orange Leaders, and speaks at camps and conferences. She, her husband Coy, and daughters Kirra and Mya live in Lakeland, FL where they like being outside, playing with their dog Marley. www.brooklynlindsey.com @brooklynlindsey/ www.justicemovement.com @thejustmove

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