7 Easy Youth Group Games for Church

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


Easy Youth Group Games: 7 Large Group Games

Easy Youth Group Games #
6. Signs

Make a circle with chairs and have students sit down except one student in the middle. Have this one student leave the room for a second, or close their eyes. When they cannot see what is happening, pick one of the students around the outside of the circle to be the sign giver. The sign giver then does a specific motion or sign. For example, pats their head with one hand, and everyone copies them. The person in the middle then comes back in the room or opens their eyes. The sign giver switches the sign and everyone copies as much as they would like. The person in the middle is trying to guess who the sign giver is. They have three guesses, which they do not have to do right after each other. Meaning, they can guess wrong, play a little more, guess again, play a little more, and then take their final guess. If they do not guess they stay in the middle for another sign giver, if they do guess then that person becomes the person in the middle.

Easy Youth Group Games #7. Swatters

The game begins with everyone seated in a circle around the upside down trash can except for one person in the middle who is the swatter (with a large group you can have more than one swatter, just subtract chairs for more swatters). The swatter has half a pool-noodle in hand and chooses someone seated to swat. Once they swat someone, they must run and set the noodle on the upside down trash can and get back to the open seat (where the person they swatted was sitting) before the person who was swatted gets the noodle from the trash can and swats them. If the noodle falls off the trash can, the original swatter is still in the middle (this prevents the swatter from just swatting and throwing the noodle at the can).

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Todd Joneshttp://thetoddjones.com/
Todd has been in youth ministry for over a decade and has a passion for reaching lost students and training youth workers to do the same. He is the founder of Stoked On Youth Ministry, a speaker, author, and pastor. When Todd is not writing or speaking he enjoys surfing, baseball and most importantly hanging out with his awesome wife and three beautiful daughters. You can connect with Todd on Twitter, Instagram or for speaking inquiries visit TheToddJones.com.

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