Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders 8 Virtual Icebreakers to Get Teens Talking

8 Virtual Icebreakers to Get Teens Talking

5. Would you rather Zoom edition

If you’ve been a youth pastor for a little while, you are likely familiar with the game “Would You Rather.” This game can easily lend itself to a virtual meeting setting. Simply number your “Would You Rather” questions and have students pick a number on their respective turns. Ask them the question belonging to the corresponding number they chose. If you want to give the game a biblical theme, check out our Would You Rather Questions (Bible Edition) article. 

6. Rose, Thorn, and Spaghetti

This is a great idea for groups who are a little more familiar with one another. Each participant shares three highlights from their day: One is the rose (the best thing that happened that day); the second is the thorn (something the person wishes hadn’t happened or something unpleasant that happened); and the third thing is the spaghetti (something funny or unexpected that happened). 

(The following two ideas were taken from Elite Daily.) 

7. Scavenger Hunt

Every good youth leader knows that sometimes teens just need to move their bodies. This is where the scavenger hunt idea comes in. As the leader, name an object everyone on the call has to go find in their house. The first person back to their screen with the object wins. (You might want to warn parents about this activity before you send teenagers tearing through their respective houses.)

8. I Spy

Again, this one might sound a little juvenile, but after one round, I bet your students will get into it. Tell your students to choose the grid function on their screens so that they can see everyone in the group at the same time. Choose a student to go first. This student then chooses something to “spy” in another person’s video frame. It might be a hat someone is wearing or a clock someone has in their room. The student who chose the object then proceeds to describe the object in traditional “I Spy” fashion. Whoever guesses the object first then gets to lead the next round by choosing a new object.