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HSM Weekend in Review: Volume 99

Weekend Teaching Series: Senior Weekend (1-off)
Sermon in a Sentence: A collection of stories, testimony and teachings from seniors to our high school ministry.
Service Length: 84 minutes

Understandable Message: This weekend the message was divided up between 4 seniors – we had seniors from different high schools in the area each share something important to them they wanted to say to the student ministry. Each was very different, all were very powerful. Hayward shared about his faith being from tradition and coersion instead of genuine – he talked the pressure he felt to get baptized when he was growing up, it wasn’t until later his faith was his own. He’s going to ba baptized Sunday morning after the last service – epic! Brooke shared about the ups and downs of her journey and going through some challenging life situations – Ashley shared her story as well, an amazing life of huge ups and downs. Luke wrapped it up with a challenge about giving each day to God. Really pleased with the fun, accessible and authentic messages from each of them.

Volunteer/Student Involvement: Seniors did most of the work this weekend – senior band, senior speakers, senior greeters – and other students and volutneers rounded out the other volunteer roles. Loved meeting some new weekend volunteers, and sharing in this fun moment with them, too.

Element of Fun/Positive Environment: We originally had videos and a fun Justin Bieber game planned (called How Many Justin Biebers could you take in a fight?, inspired by this game) but cut them to focus on all that the seniors had planned and wanted to share in message and song. Still had some fun with a senior student on stage doing the welcome and announcements. Lots of great energy in the room and a whole bunch of seniors, which is great.

Music Playlist: Youth of the Nation (POD cover), Hosanna, With Everything, Beautiful Things, Words That You Say, Come to My Rescue, Graduation (Friends Forever)

Favorite Moment: I loved talking to some visiting youth workers after the 4:30 service – we made HUGE changes to the program after a pretty rough first service of the weekend. I was bumed but in talking to them, reminded of how God’s Spirit moves, regardless of plans and program sheets. Amen!

Up Next: Trinity (series premiere, week 1 of 3)