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Are You Ready to Let Your Students Lead?

This video is another reason for how important it will be as youth leaders for us to create environments where students can spread their wings. In almost any town in any state a kid is strumming a guitar, pounding on some drums, or painting a beautiful picture just waiting to be encouraged and discovered.

1. Start earlier. Get a band in your middle school program comprised of middle school students as quick as you can. Think of other ways you can showcase what God has done in their abilities.

2. Don’t worry about mistakes. Have them practice and be ready but at the same time give them room to know they are safe and can screw up.

3. Let them pick the songs. Tell them what you’re going to talk about. Let them shape the program by the songs they choose. Your program will be better for it.

4. See their potential. Give them a leader who sees them for what they can be and not where they are at. Catch them doing right and encourage them with your praise.