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How's Your Sense of Vocational Injustice?

It’s hard to sit still on things that upset you especially when your work is personal. I have a friend who is really struggling right now with how they feel like a piece of meat at their place of religious employment. As we talk about motive, being a Christ follower, and ministry I found myself walking the line between what I know I should say versus what I really want to say.

Things I want to say…

1. Don’t put up with that crap go find a place that appreciates you, celebrates you and empowers you.
2. Just steamroll them and ignore them. You’ll never make them happy.

Things I know I should say…
1. We have a tendency when we are under stress to see things far more escalated than they should be.
2. We let the minority overpower the majority in our minds.
3. We also have a heightened sense of awareness on details assumed, unseen, and supposed.
4. People do suck from time to time including us.
5. Let it be vocational when you need to keep it from being personal.
6. Understand that God grows us in tests and trials.
7. Keep a perspective. It hurts now but 2-3 years from now it will be a distant memory with a pot of gold experience.
8. Be in community.
9. Be honest.
10. Write down and pray about your boundaries and tolerances with your spouse or just yourself if that’s all you have.
11. Check #10 with a veteran.
12. The less you talk the better you look… the more they talk (in conflict) the worse they look.
13. Appreciation for what you do and acknowledgement of it is rare.
14. Have a hobby.
15. Have relationships outside of the church.

If you have more please share. Imagine this video below to be a snapshot of what that complaint probably will seem like on the other side of Heaven when we’re with the King.