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Pastors…Who Happen to be Pastor’s Wives

by Neely McQueen

One thing (there are tons) that I am grateful for in this blog is the privilege I’ve had to meet so many amazing ladies who serve in youth ministry in both paid and volunteer capacity. I’ve loved meeting you online and even face to face at various conferences.

Today, I want to give a shout-out to the many ladies out there who are married to the youth pastor and who don’t have any official (paid) title but actively serve in ministry! I know in our situation, it was communicated that there was no set expectations for me as the wife. Which is the right way a church should be…but those set expectations didn’t keep me aways. I know many women who are the same.

They go beyond attending programs to also running programs. Without a title or without a check because they love it.

To all of you pastors…who happen to also be the pastor’s wives…You are amazing!! Thanks for serving!!

To all the pastors…who happen to have a wife that serves freely…thank her today…and buy her something!