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Simple “Do’s & Don’t’s” about Meeting Middle Schoolers

The Fall is a great time for new visitors in jr. high ministry. We all need to be on the lookout for students who’ve never set foot in our doors (or else they might never set foot in them again!).

Every other week before students arrive, we do a “training meeting”; giving volunteers something really practical to think about, to help them serve students best as they point middle schoolers towards Jesus.

This past weekend, we talked about “meeting new students”. (whether the student is the one who’s new … or the leader is!)

A couple simple “do’s & don’ts”…
– DON’T extend your hand for a handshake!
Middle schoolers don’t shake hands with each other. What you’re telling them in that moment is “I’m kinda old, and old people shake hands.” High five or fist bump is still great … but don’t be offended if they leave you hanging. They might just be nervous.

– DON’T guess what grade they’re in!
When you see a very tall middle school girl, and innocently say “Are you in 8th grade?”, you run the risk of having her think “No… I’m a giant 6th grader, self-conscious about being 8 inches taller than all my friends. I wish you wouldn’t have brought it up!” Or when you see a short boy, and say “Hey man, are you a 6th grader?”, he may think “NO! I’m a shrimpy 8th grader, whose hormones haven’t kicked in as quickly as my buddies’ have…. Thanks for reminding me!”

– DO show interest in them!
Just asking good questions is the secret to middle-school-conversations. Don’t expect it to be a two way street, though. You’ll probably ask almost all the questions, but if you ask good ones, jr. highers often like to talk about themselves!

– DON’T ask “Yes or No” Questions!
You’re inviting a 1 word answer. And the awkward pause that follows! ☺

Any other “DO’s” or “DON’T’s out there??   Do Share!