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Helping Families SERVE TOGETHER

This past week we got to see over 1,200 volunteers serve our city in an event we call Operation Serve. We had parents, kids, teens, college students, senior adults, and even high school sports teams come out and serve together for one day and work to make a difference in our community. One of my favorite parts of the days is getting to watch teens and kids serve with their parents. Some work on the same project. Other families divide up and serve at several projects. No matter where they serve, at the end of the day the entire family has worked together to do significant things. When I talk about family ministry this is what I am talking about. Family ministry is nothing more than creating opportunities where the the influence of church and home unite. When parents and teens serve together good things happen. Here are a few reasons why I think creating serve opportunities for families is important.

  • Memories are made when families serve together. > It’s so incredible to hear families share stories after they serve together. Some are funny and some are intense but when families make memories around a serve opportunity those memories stick!
  • Spiritual growth happens when families serve together. > This is a fact and we see it year after year. People grow in their faith when they serve. The same truth applies to families. Serving leads to growth.
  • Families find a place to “belong” when they serve. > When families serve together they discover that their family can accomplish significant things together. That truth links families to your church like nothing else.
  • Families influence each other when they serve together. > When we see teens and kids serve it is inspiring. When our kids see us serve they are proud and they see a different side of us. Serving together provides a new arena of influence for our families!
  • After mission experiences families will look to serve together every week in your church. > Every week we see families serve together in different ministries at our church. Many times that started with serve events like Op Serve. Why make families wait, let them serve every Sunday!