Volunteer Pastor

Guest Post by Neely McQueen

This week I shared at our Adult Leader Training and I thought I would pass along here:

In youth ministry the task is to care, shepherd or pastor students. Hopefully, that’s what you were told when you volunteered!

Tonight,  I want to encourage you to walk more confidently in the role of shepherd/pastor of the students in three ways…

Pray for those that have be entrusted to you

Seems so simple…maybe even so simple that we pass over it.

Prayer is a powerful tool in the life of our students…and in our lives.

Prayer changes our hearts…invests us into the lives of our students more…opens us up to wisdom and insight for their life. Prayer helps us care more…

Pray as you leave your small group or service.

When you log on to facebook – say a prayer as you post a commment

After you text a student – offer a breath prayer for that student

“Earn the right to be heard”/Say something worth being heard

 First part is from the founder of Young Life…he wanted leaders to care and invest in students.

 Around here we talk about the relational values…care.

Can I just say that you don’t have to be cool or have lots of time to communicate care…and lucky for me.

Before I had kids…I used to give loads of time…which communicated care.

Now that I have kids…I have to be more creative with how I can communicate care.

Now, I have to be way more intentional with my care.

Care can be communicated with eye contact when you share a heartfelt word.

Care can be communicated with an email.

Care can be communicated with a card in the mail.

Care can be communicated with a hug.

Once you’ve earned the right to be heard…say something that matters.

A pastors role is to encourage, equip and challenge….

If a student knows you care…they will be more open to hearing what you have to say.

This is something that I have definitely gotten more comfortable with the longer I’ve been in ministry.

My time is limited but my commitment is the same…I want to see the students entrusted to me…grow and live radical lives for jesus.

If a student needs to hear the truth…share it with grace and love.

  1. a student might be angry- I’ve had plenty of students experience anger with me for my words…I’ve never had a student stay angry with me. A student following up with me years after HS to apologize for how they handled a situation with me…
  2. Let you  a SM team member know…

Follow up Care

When a student shares something or when you have a tough conversation…follow up.

Sometimes this requires you to be a more mature person…

Sometimes this requires a conversation with a parent.

Moments that require follow up…usually are the moments that lead to either positive or negative experiences in faith.

All of us, pastor by job or by free will, ultimately want our students to grow and experience all that God has for them. 

I noticed today that Doug Fields had some great words on being a volunteer today- check it out here.