Home Youth Leaders Expectations of a Pastor: 10 Duties Every Youth Minister Must Fulfill

Expectations of a Pastor: 10 Duties Every Youth Minister Must Fulfill

6. Follow rules and boundaries set by the church.

Every church and youth group needs certain boundaries. Sometimes they’re a but far-fetched. But whether or not they agree with them, every youth leader must know they’re responsible for teaching students to follow rules.

7. Offer suggestions for improvement.

I desire this from every youth leader. If you have five adult helpers, that’s five different perspectives you need to hear. I love receiving feedback from our youth leaders. But you should expect every leader’s feedback, not just the same few every time.

8. Attend training and leader meetings.

This is another thing we struggle with regarding expectations of a pastor. If a leader skips out on all the meetings you schedule, they won’t be very effective. You’re responsible for finding the best time for the most leaders to attend. Schedule meetings far in advance so people can plan accordingly. After that, the leaders must be responsible enough to attend! They must plan around important meetings.

9. Follow through on responsibilities.

If you give someone a task, they need to follow through with it. Youth leaders who sit on things won’t be good leaders. Find people who are eager to get things done. Also, if they suggest that you do something, you must set an example and complete it in a timely manner.

10. Pray daily for the youth ministry.

This is another no-brainer that sometimes goes unnoticed. We expect so much when it comes to the program itself. Yet with big things like praying, we often don’t emphasize them. Every youth leader should be responsible and held accountable to pray daily for the ministry.

I could go on and on. But you must clearly set these 10 expectations of a pastor or youth leader. Remember to set them early and then review them often.

What other expectations of a pastor do you recommend for a church or youth ministry? Share them with your colleagues in the comments below!