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Don’t Change the Culture

Guest Post by Chase Miller

It’s very typical for a youth group to experience major changes when a new youth pastor is hired. It’s hard for the church and even harder for students. I remember when a youth pastor that I really looked up to left to take another job, I was stoked because he was offered a great job; yet also sad because the future of our youth group was unknown.

So what do you do if you are coming in to replace a youth pastor who was either fired or was offered a different job? Realize that every youth group around the country is different. From the students to the vibe; there is no book or guide that could fully prepare you. It is important to preserve this as students obviously enjoy the “culture” of the group. If they come every week, there is a reason.

While change is always good, making to many changes in the beginning of a new job can be detrimental. Students may question your motives and quite frankly wish that the previous youth pastor never left. Instead determine who the key students are and ask them what they like about a typical week of church. Find out what draws them to your specific church and how they think it could be even better.

Lastly, acknowledge that you are new and you are still getting systems and long term plans in place for the youth group. Students will be much more open to changes if they see the end goal and see that everything has been well thought out.

Chase Miller is a High School student from Orange County, CA. He loves to surf, Tweets Occasionally and would love to Guest Post on your Blog!!