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The Many Faces of Youth Ministry Volunteers

We look for the part of the mosaic that would be strengthened by the addition. We look for the place in the ministry where the leader would shine most vividly. We look at their personality and their abilities, their heart and their habits and we do our best to create places where these things can grow.

When asked what our leaders do, I’d answer:

They…pray, listen, cry, laugh, snort, entertain, experience, invest, mourn, celebrate, transmit, teach, overnight, caffeinate, serve, ask questions, lead, imagine, create, animate, step us, take risks, try new things…and more.

In youth ministry, some leaders have multiple roles (and multiple personalities). Some are very specific in their time investment and roles. Still others are free spirits and change roles as they grow and change.

That’s why we don’t give leaders labels. We give them goals and as they work on those goals, roles tend to rise to the top.

Here are some of the roles that we identify as leaders begin to serve in our youth ministry. Many leaders serve in multiple roles.

Most serve on Sunday mornings or on Wednesday nights.
Many journey with us on events or for one time program opportunities.

Some are with us always, they never stop thinking about how we can get better, connect more often, support parents, cheer for healthy friendships, and how teenagers can developing a lasting faith in God, and have more fun.

The level of involvement is leader led. They decide when to shift into another gear. Even when we advise that it’s time to shift up or shift down, they have a big say in that.

The Connectors

This is the greeter team. This is the curbside. This is the new student registration station. This is the one sitting in the room with the teens. This is the one connecting with other leaders as they arrive, giving them the low down, cheering them on at the starting line. This is the one that has no problem playing four square or talking to parents. Many times the connectors are high school students who begin to feel a passion to love middle school students!

The Motivators

This is the round up crew. The people movers. The ones who watch out for things I’ve asked them to watch out for. Their eyes are wide open. They are resourceful. They are trouble shooters. They are value givers and assimilators. Motivators can amplify messages, stories, announcements. They are contagious.

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Brooklyn recently founded The Justice Movement, a church youth movement that helps teenagers help others. Her priority is to inspire and resource youth to break cycles of poverty through faith in action. An ordained pastor, Brooklyn has served in full time youth ministry for the last 16 years, authored numerous books, contributes and communicates for Orange Leaders, and speaks at camps and conferences. She, her husband Coy, and daughters Kirra and Mya live in Lakeland, FL where they like being outside, playing with their dog Marley. www.brooklynlindsey.com @brooklynlindsey/ www.justicemovement.com @thejustmove