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Happy Birthday … Here’s Some Plastic Surgery

In a world where our young girls seem to struggle with self-image more than ever before, what is the greatest thing we can do to boost their confidence?

How about the gift of cosmetic surgery for their 18th birthday?

“Happy birthday sweetie… let me fix that for you.”

That’s what Orange County cosmetic surgeon Dr. Michael Niccole did for his daughterswhen they were as young as age 10. He fixed his daughter Charm’s protruding belly button at 10, then gave Brittani new boobs at 18, followed by a new nose three years later. Now both sisters have had their breasts done by Dad (a little creepy, if ya think about it).

This kind of parenting seems especially peculiar considering all the research emerging about the incredible impact moms and dads have on their kids’ self esteem, and how a parent’s perspective on body image impacts kids’ perspective. Our girls have so much more to offer than just being sexy. Sadly, many young girls today are buying the lie, and are rapidly becoming what the American Psychological Association (APA) would define as sexualized.

Yes, I realize that cosmetic surgery isn’t a slam-dunk taboo. After all, most American parents wouldn’t hesitate to give our kids braces, right?

How about removing a birthmark?

Removing a bump on your nose?

Changing an A-cup to a D-cup by getting breast implants Manhattan?

Where’s the line? Is a boob job a leap towards “sexualization” as opposed to a nose job? Is either cosmetic fix sending our kids the right message?

Did plastic surgeon daddy take it too far? How prophetic was the 1964 Twilight Zone episode, Number 12 Looks Just Like You? (Sorry, the movie geek emerges out of me sometimes.) How far is too far?

What are we communicating to young people today with all these cosmetic fixes?