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What Is Required to Finish Strong in Youth Ministry?

Finishing strong is the leadership skill to do what it takes, no matter the cost, in order to accomplish the goal.  Dr. J. Robert Clinton, professor at Fuller Seminary, did a study of leaders in the Bible and determined that only 30% of them finished strong.  What is required for contemporary Christian leaders to finish strong?

Finishing Strong requires facing challenges.
The apostle Paul was a leader who left his mark on the world. He endured many hardships while he focused on sharing the Gospel. He was beaten, imprisoned, shipwrecked, and falsely accused; yet he never lost sight of his ultimate goal in life. While each day seemed to get harder for him, he never failed to rise to the challenge. At the end of his life, he gives advice to Timothy, whom he has mentored in ministry, about finishing strong.

Finishing Strong requires demonstrating courage.
There is something contagious about a person that is courageous. The fire of their personality kindles a spark in the souls of the lives they touch. Daniel was just such a man. As we have seen so far, he lived a consistent life of constant devotion to God. He had an ironclad will that would only be molded by the will of his God. Now we find him at the end of his life again facing persecution for his beliefs. It would have been much easier for him to just give in this time. He was facing certain death. Daniel did not sway. He looked death in the eye and chose obedience no matter the cost. What would you have done?

Finishing Strong requires making a choice.
Joshua saves his last talk for God’s chosen people and the recipients of the Lord’s immense love and staunch discipline. He spells out how to live a life that is not your own. He demands that his people choose to fulfill their duty or leave… such is true with patriots. They often do not appreciate the lukewarm sentiments of those enjoying the blessing without bearing the sacrifice.

Finishing Strong requires having a celebration.
Notice that every good leader understands that celebration is part of teamwork. Nehemiah sets aside time to celebrate what the Lord has done and to ask the Lord’s blessing on their faithfulness. Take careful note of Nehemiah’s continual striving for excellence. He continued to pressure the people to follow God. Nehemiah knew this was the only way for the walls to stay standing.