What Parents Really Need from Us


It may give you comfort to hear that parents struggle with discipline, too! Parents say they’re constantly second-guessing their discipline techniques. They worry they’re not effective or that their discipline methods hurt more than they help. Here are some of their most common worries.

• What do I do when I catch my child in a lie?

• How do I discipline my kids fairly when they have such different personalities?

• How do I respond–rather than react–to misbehavior?

• I feel like a drill sergeant. I don’t like it and neither do my kids. How do I stop?

• My spouse and I can’t seem to find a middle ground on our discipline styles. This confuses our kids and frustrates me.

• What’s the best way to balance my time between kids? One is strong-willed and requires a lot of my time and energy, while my more compliant child gets ignored.


When it comes to discipline, “encourage parents to seek God’s answers,” advises Steve Nelson, pastor, author, father of eight, and co-founder of Premeditatedparenting.net. “I’d love to try to answer every discipline question that parents have, but even that would merely scratch the surface of the real issue–that parents need support!


Many parents are so desperate for support that they turn to nannies on TV for advice rather than to their churches. No doubt, many good lessons are available from a variety of sources–but the Bible and church are priceless touchstones for encouragement and support. Parents need their confidence strengthened that God’s Word has the answers to everyday issues they face. They need to be able to view church as a place where they can safely share their struggles and not feel condemned at every misstep of their children. My bottom line? Realize that one of the best ways you can minister to children is by ministering to their parents and equipping them as ministers.”