Renewing Expository Preaching, Part 4: Preaching That Is Prophetic and Practical
We need to be preachers who are constantly renewing our commitment to proclaiming God's Word, with expository preaching as central.
Renewing Expository Preaching, Part 3: Preaching Themes, Narratives, and Topics
I encourage a renewal to expository preaching while recognizing there are other ways to preach that honor the Word and effectively teach the Bible.
Renewing Expository Preaching, Part 2: Preaching Biblically Is Ultimate
Expository preaching is the best, but not the only biblically mandated preaching approach.
Renewing Expository Preaching, Part 1: Why Verse-By-Verse Preaching Matters
Expository preaching plays a vital role in the life of the church. The regular, faithful preaching of the Bible in weekly corporate worship services has endured as one of the most important qualities of the Christian faith.
The Exchange
Delighting in God’s Mission: A Brief on the Missiology of John Piper
While John Piper is “Christian famous,” and his influence is multidirectional, his influence on the church’s engagement in mission is easily overlooked amidst his extensive preaching, teaching, and writing ministries.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Do Denominations Matter?
Do denominations matter? "Associating" and "cooperating" for a common goal is easier said than done. Cooperation requires common conviction, unity, and grace.
The Exchange
10 Reflections 10 Years After the Fall of Mars Hill
It's been 10 years since the implosion of Mars Hill Church. Hard to believe. Like most things, Mars Hill had some beautiful and terrible fruit from its ministry. I will always treasure the good but want others to learn from the not-so-good.
The Exchange
Lesslie Newbigin and His Influence on Contemporary Missions in Western Culture
In the scope of the 20th century, Lesslie Newbigin is one the most profound and influential thinkers with regard to the gospel and modern Western culture. One would be hard-pressed to find a voice for contemporary missions who has not been influenced in some way by Newbigin.
The Kingdom Mission Center: Churches Supporting Missionaries in Korea and Beyond
SaeJoongAng Church in GyungGi-do, Korea, loves missionaries. In fact, the church has built a facility that can house 60 missionary families when they are off their field for a session. It's called the Kingdom Mission Center.
The Exchange
Could It Be That We Also Need Flies?—Flies as Part of a Healthy-Holistic Lausanne Ecosystem
The lack of a compelling and persistent call to the unevangelized and the unreached at the fourth Lausanne Congress left me deeply saddened.
The Exchange
Lausanne Movement and Grassroots Ecumenism
I see the massive potential for grassroots ecumenism, and the 50th anniversary of the Lausanne Congress is a starting point for its development towards the 2050 goal.