Latest Articles by Ed Stetzer

Expository preaching

Renewing Expository Preaching, Part 1: Why Verse-By-Verse Preaching Matters

Expository preaching plays a vital role in the life of the church. The regular, faithful preaching of the Bible in weekly corporate worship services has endured as one of the most important qualities of the Christian faith. 
do denominations matter

Do Denominations Matter?

Do denominations matter? "Associating" and "cooperating" for a common goal is easier said than done. Cooperation requires common conviction, unity, and grace.
Developing Key Leaders

4 Aspects of Developing Key Leaders

Pastors, ministry teams, and developing key leaders must work together to create a healthy leadership culture in which ministry teams members partner with staff members to provide intentional leadership over an area of ministry.
Kingdom Mission Center

The Kingdom Mission Center: Churches Supporting Missionaries in Korea and Beyond

SaeJoongAng Church in GyungGi-do, Korea, loves missionaries. In fact, the church has built a facility that can house 60 missionary families when they are off their field for a session. It's called the Kingdom Mission Center.
Lausanne Integral

Declaring, Displaying, and the Future of Lausanne

What has been characteristic of the missiology of Lausanne over the last half century has been its unwavering commitment to “integral mission.”

Responding to the Lausanne Seoul Statement: We Need a Greater Focus on Evangelism’s Place...

The Lausanne Seoul Statement needs a greater call to prioritize evangelism.
Olympics Opening Ceremony

What Really Happened with the Last Supper and the Olympics—Between American Evangelicals

The Olympics are over, but we have a bit of unfinished business. 

Preparing for Lausanne’s L4: Prayer, Purpose, and Proclamation

As global evangelicals prepare for the Lausanne Movement’s fourth global congress (L4) in Seoul, Korea, we must reflect on the theological foundations that have guided the movement since its inception.

Balancing Proclamation and Action in the Lausanne Movement: The Ongoing Debate in Mission

When evangelicals from around the world gather for the fourth global Lausanne Congress (L4) in Seoul, Korea, we will once again grapple with an ever-present tension of evangelical mission.

4 Hopes for the Lausanne Congress (L4) in Seoul, Korea

Each Lausanne Congress provides the global church with the opportunity to put down markers—foundational statements of faith that shape the movement’s future direction.