Ministry Tech Leaders

How to Choose the Best AED For Church

With so many models on the market, knowing which AED is right for your church can be difficult. Here's how to choose the best AED for church.

Easy Stagecraft Tips Any Church Can Use

From lighting to set design, small changes can make a big impact on the overall atmosphere. Here are some practical tips to help churches improve their stagecraft.

8 Ways Church Tech Is Way More Than Computers

Church tech is more than computers and gadgets; it’s a dynamic, multifaceted approach to ministry that touches every aspect of church life.

MedusaLocker Malware Is Still Wreaking Havoc

MedusaLocker is a notorious strain of malware that employs a double extortion tactic in (1) stealing data before encryption, and then (2) rendering the victim’s data inaccessible until a ransom is paid.

From Church Juice – Secrets of Great Church Websites

Each year we at Church Juice create a list with some of our favorite church websites. After looking across the Internet for hours in...

Hiring a Media Team – Where Do You Start?

I asked 5 highly respected and experienced communication and media leaders for their recommendations. Who would be the first 3 people you’d hire to begin a strong communications or media team?

10 of the Newest Trends in Church Management Software

Church management software has seen remarkable advancements over the past few years, driven by a need to adapt to changing congregational dynamics and technological advancements.

Why Did Google Kill Easy Church Tech?

Google decided it did not like websites like mine, Easy Church Tech, that provided helpful content to people who were looking for answers about church technology.

Drones and Cable Cams in Worship

I’m all for innovation, but I think it’s time for a serious conversation about those drones and cable cams.

3 Snares of Subtweeting

While it may seem as though subtweeting is a more chartable approach to navigating the world of social media, there are a variety of serious dangers attached to it.

How To Reach a TikTok Teen

What exactly is a TikTok Teen? They are young people who are hyper-engaged with social platforms online (especially video app TikTok, as the name would suggest).