Ministry Tech Leaders
Ministry Tech Leaders
Your Church Needs a Social Media Policy
Several major churches and ministry organizations have a social media policy in place, but not many. Besides, are those policies legal? Can a church censor those posts, or fire the employee?
Ministry Tech Leaders
Church Speaker Placement 101 – Everything You Need to Know
Church acoustics matter. Nothing can improve the quality of your church sound system as much as determining the proper placement for your loudspeaker system.
Ministry Tech Leaders
How They Work: “Deepfakes” Are AI-Produced Digitally Manipulated Media
Deepfakes are AI-generated media that have been digitally manipulated to replace one person’s likeness convincingly with that of another. Examples of digitally manipulated viral deepfakes include high-profile celebrities like: Keanu Reeves, Tom Cruise, Jerry Seinfeld, and Donald Trump.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Before You Modernize Your Church Building
There are plenty of ways to modernize your church without having to ruin the history of the building by renovating it or tearing it down to build something new.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Best Auto Tracking Cameras for Church
As the demand for video streaming exponentially grows, auto tracking cameras are definitely changing the game. Here we have compiled the best auto tracking cameras available.
Articles for Worship & Creative
How to Display Lyrics On Your Camera Feeds
Whether your church is running a live stream for viewers at home or in other remote locations, or you have a projection screen in the church and want to display lyrics to hymns or scripture, you can do so easily using EasyWorship and NDI output functionality.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Remote Ransomware Tries, Tries Again
Infamous ransomware groups, such as Akira, BlackCat, DarkSide, LockBit, MedusaLocker, Ryuk and WannaCry are now using remote encryption more frequently than ever before.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Church Online Giving Platforms – 5 Great Choices
Even while the Church’s mission remains unchanged throughout all generations, its practices will always be subject to change. For example, tithes and offerings: these...
Ministry Tech Leaders
When to Fire a Church Volunteer (And Why)
Not all help is actually helpful. When to fire church volunteers (and why).
Ministry Tech Leaders
Do Not Disturb Setting – The Surprising Secret To Sanity
Over the past few months I’ve tried a little experiment to limit interruptions and distractions. I keep my phone on the Do Not Disturb setting DND all the time. Wait! What? That’s madness! How do you survive?
Ministry Tech Leaders
Digital Leadership—It’s a Thing
I’m confident I can help people. I’ve learned a TON about digital leadership. I’ve gotten to practice it in some pretty great laboratories. I...