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Videos For Pastors

Is Your Spouse a Partner in the Gospel?

It's easier than we think to leave our spouse behind as we "do God's work."

Dave Ferguson: Lead With a Yes

In this short clip, Dave Ferguson encourages leaders to think about creating a movement, and asking how later.

What Does It Mean to Surrender?

Author and speaker, Margaret Feinberg addresses the subject of surrender.

Driscoll: When Does Viewing Porn Disqualify for Ministry?

Mark Driscoll discusses the important issues surrounding ministry, purity and qualifications for church leadership.

Piper Interviews Warren on Doctrine of "The Purpose Driven Life"

John Piper Interviews Rick Warren to clarify what he believes about specific biblical doctrines.

Veneer: Living Deeply in a Surface Society

What if we didn't have to veneer ourselves and counted our scars as marks of grace?

What Is Your Value to God?

A lively illustration to bring home the point of God's love

Driscoll: 11 Things Repentance Is Not

Mark Driscoll deals with eleven often held misconceptions about repentance.

The Hidden Power of a Smile

This Ted Talk demonstrates that a happy heart really is good medicine.

Don't Isolate the Gospel

Why was the gospel more effective in the first century? George Patterson has an answer.

Jesus Dilemma

This creative series bumper reminds us that we can't ignore the dilemma of Jesus.

Fifty People, One Difficult Question

A brilliant, riveting, deeply moving 11-minute study of life

Making Disciples or Memorizing Words?

How come everyone does what "Simon Says," but far fewer do what Jesus says?

The Time I Needed God the Most

This creative video from Granger Church unpacks the desperation we feel during the times we need God the most.

Can God Use Children to Lead the Church?

One pastor heard God's leading in the voice of a child: could you do the same?

Francis Chan: Why We Can't Afford to Get Hell Wrong

A breaking video by Francis Chan released today about handling the debate on hell.

Has the Holy Spirit Been Forgotten?

John Piper explains the importance of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life.

John Piper: We are Midwives for the New Birth

God gives the new life; here's how and why we help.

Spiritual Warfare: the Basics

Pastor Jack Hayford reveals the conflict between two kingdoms and how to know them.

Whose Shirt Is This?

Discover how a simple idea can reinforce the message preached from the pulpit.

Church Leaders in Kenya Give Qualified Support for Plan to Close...

Amid a growing push to reunite orphans with extended family rather than keep children in residential homes, Kenyan authorities are set to adopt a new program that will phase out traditional orphanages over the next decade.

Steve Robinson: How To Create a Culture of Service in Your...

Steve Robinson joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can foster a culture of serving in their churches, raise up new leaders, and help people discover their giftings.

Videos For Pastors