Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Why Leaders Can’t See When Their Church is Dying

Why Leaders Can’t See When Their Church is Dying

7. Too fearful.

You can’t even consider the idea that this church might go away — too much pain involved! Too many unanswerable questions about the unknown future.

8. Too proud.

After all, you are one of the leaders, and things that you are a part of don’t fail! Not on your watch!

9. Too tradition-bound.

We’ve always done things this way and we’ve had rough days in the past, so if we just keep on course and don’t mess with the formula, we’ll be OK!

10. Too much ownership. 

Granddaddy was an elder, Dad was an elder, and now I’m an elder. This is my church and my family’s church, and we will never let it fail!

11. Too influenced by others.

We’ve talked it over at the elders’ meeting, and the consensus is that we are OK. The members aren’t complaining.

12. Too short-sighted.

Even if it were true, what can anyone do about it? Might as well just ride to the end of the road.

13. Too power-oriented.

I’m one of the leaders. I can’t imagine not being a leader, so I think I’ll just keep on being a leader!

Rarely is leadership-blindness the result of just one of the above. 

Such lists are always an oversimplification of complex bundles of ideas and emotions, but no item on the list above allows church leaders to clearly see the plan of God for the people entrusted into their care.

I’ll end by just challenging church leaders to search their hearts and look for symptoms of reality-blindness. It’s not a fatal disease. Leaders can discover their vision and wisdom in time to take responsible action.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt.” James 1:5-6