Articles for Outreach & Missions

13 Characteristics of the Holy Spirit

The Scripture provides a number of phrases that describe the characteristics of the Holy Spirit.

3 Not-So-Obvious Reasons Church Visitors Don’t Return to Your Church

Maybe it's not the music or the preaching that that's the reason visitors don't return to your church.

What Is Gospel for Asia? Understanding Its Mission and Controversies

Despite its noble mission, Gospel for Asia has faced significant controversies over the years, raising questions about financial transparency, accountability, and governance.

Does God Pick Your Spouse: 3 Reasons Not

Does God pick your spouse? God gives you freedom to choose if you marry or if you remain single. And if you want to get married, God is not going to control that decision.

A Detailed Revival History in America

"America has a deep, rich history of revivals and awakenings."

10 Key Facts About Open Doors Ministry

Open Doors Ministry has profoundly impacted millions of lives since its inception. By addressing both spiritual and physical needs, the organization has become a beacon of hope for persecuted Christians.

First-time Church Visitor Gift Ideas

When people visit your church for the first time, how do you welcome them effectively?

What Makes a Good Church? 10 Signs You’re Attending One

No church is perfect, but there are biblical blueprints that dictate whether a church fulfills its God-given mission.

5 Ways Compassion International Is Tackling Global Poverty

Compassion International is helping to break the cycle of poverty and create a brighter future for millions of children around the world.

Thom Rainer: Disunity in the Church

The church disrupter is just that. He creates disunity in the church. He disrupts the outward focus of the church. And he disrupts the plans of church leadership.

12 Spiritual Disciplines That Will Make Your Faith Strong

I believe 12 primary spiritual disciplines were practiced by Jesus and prescribed for all believers in the Bible.