Voices With Ed Stetzer: Sociological Theory and Precursors to Approaching Critical Race Theory

Critical race theory


Sociological Theory and Precursors to Approaching Critical Race Theory

by Sherelle Ducksworth

Over the last year I have read and listened to many views and opinions on CRT. In an effort to not be redundant since the previous contributors to this series provided a lot of information and thoughtful commentary on CRT, I hope to contribute to the conversation as not only a Christian but as a sociologist by profession. My contribution will consist of two parts. Part I is a discussion on four precursors on sociological theory one should know before approaching CRT. Since CRT is arguably a sociological theory, understanding sociological theory might be helpful in how we engage it. Part II is a discussion on four precursors on critical theory one should know before approaching CRT and a final admonishment for Christians.

I was a sophomore at a community college when I first heard of sociology. Sitting in class one day, my instructor grabbed my attention as she examined, analyzed, and explained the nuances of everyday social experiences that produced fascinating outcomes. What I remember most is learning about socialization and how who we were as individual persons had come from a host of influences such as our families, the media, and even our neighborhoods. I was intrigued and that intrigue began my path as a sociologist. After graduation, I enrolled in a Historically Black University and majored in sociology where I learned graduate social theory and became familiar with how sociologists like Karl Marx and Max Weber understood society. Two years later, I enrolled at Mississippi State University to pursue a Master of Science in sociology with an emphasis in social stratification and eventually graduated and became a sociology instructor. I have spent the last 14 years studying sociology, understanding the discipline, and the last 7 years teaching students at community colleges in Mississippi, Tennessee, and now North Carolina.

Within the last 14 years of engaging the discipline of sociology, I have spent time engaging sociological theory. Thus, I propose that there are four things you should know about sociological theories before engaging CRT that might be helpful.

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Sherelle Ducksworth
Sherelle Ducksworth is a native of Clarksdale, Mississippi and currently serves as a sociology instructor at Louisburg College in Louisburg, North Carolina. She earned an AA degree in general education from Coahoma Community college, her B.A. degree in sociology from Mississippi Valley State University, her M.S. degree in sociology with a concentration on social stratification from Mississippi State University, her M.A. in theology from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently working on a Ph.d in systematic theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Her and her husband Aaron currently live in Wake Forest, North Carolina and attend Christ Our King Community Church in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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