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Two Gentle Ways to Care for Wounded People

2. Increase in Sincerity. 

During the process of relocating to my present pastoral charge I was informed that I would not be receiving 100% of the congregational vote to affirm God having called me to serve the church as pastor. Although I was informed that none of the handful of no votes were really votes against me but had more to do with previous conflicts in the church and financial fears, I had only ever received votes of 100% and the lack of it in this case stung my ego more than just a little bit. 

One of the first things I did was to call a pastor friend to seek his advice. Initially I regretted having done so because of his instantly scathing words. “Who do you think you are that you should get 100% of the vote?  Jesus didn’t get 100% of the vote!  What makes you think you deserve it?” Wow. Sometimes good counsel hurts.  He was absolutely right. Jesus was attacked.The Apostles were attacked. The early Church lived in persecution and fear. 

When attack and slander comes, avoid even a hint of impropriety and sin. Question your motives. Press your sincerity. I remember one day realizing that I was more upset with Fluffy the cat’s lack of appreciation for my love because I knew that he didn’t appreciate all that I had done for him and how sincere I was in trying to rescue him.  If my motive is to sincerely love people then the pain I may endure in the process isn’t the primary issue. Sincere love in Christ name assumes risk. “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” (Luke 14:28, ESV) The cost of loving like Christ is the risk of persecution but the reward is eternal.

I eventually found Fluffy a new home. Unfortunately, we can’t buy a bus ticket for most of those who will attack or slander us in the ministry. We can shower them with so much kindness so as to diminish the effect of their attacks.  We can love them in spite of them and grow in Christ-likeness. Wrapped up in every slander is an opportunity to cultivate spiritual maturity in leadership. Contained within every attack is cause for clinging to the Cross of Christ.

“I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.” (Philippians 4:12, ESV)  Handle wounded people carefully.  Handle the wounds they inflict as carefully. Wounded people wound people, but Christ brings healing and redemption.