Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders 7 Secrets to Being An Effective Youth Worker

7 Secrets to Being An Effective Youth Worker

Next week will mark 10 years since I first convinced someone to actually pay me to work with teenagers and lead a youth ministry. Since I love what I do, it doesn’t really feel like it’s been 10 years (although some of those years felt longer than others). But in some respects, 10 years is a long time—especially when I think about the fact that my soon-to-be kindergartener will be entering 10th grade in another 10 years. Considering that length of time, I feel like I ought to have gained a wealth of knowledge—perhaps a treasure trove of youth ministry “secrets”—that I could pass on to youth workers who are where I was 10 years ago: In their early 20s, ready to change the world, and without a clue about what they’ve really gotten themselves into.

Unfortunately, I have no secrets to share—unless “secret” is another word for “Really Dumb Mistakes I Made That You Should Stay Away From.” But I have learned—and sometimes believed in—a number of Youth Ministry Myths that are alive and well today, but are very, very unhelpful. Here are a few of them:

There are seven secrets to being an effective youth worker. Or three secrets to a great outreach event, mission trip or small group ministry. It’s a myth because there are no “secrets” to any kind of ministry. I’ve made it a practice to meet with youth pastors I really respect to pick their brains about how they lead their youth ministry, and to occasionally observe them in action. When I find out their “secret sauce” for a great youth ministry, I find that they really don’t have a secret at all. Usually, under the hood of a solid youth ministry is this: solid, Christ-centered and Holy-Spirit driven leadership; compassion and love for teenagers; and a team of adult leaders who simply want to see God glorified as he transforms the lives of teenagers and their families through a relationship with Jesus. There are many great strategies, programs and leadership techniques that can help us be more effective as leaders, but there is no “secret” to a great youth ministry (so stop trying to find it).

This program/curriculum/mission trip/conference will save and transform your teenagers. There are great organizations, trips and publishing houses out there, and by all means, use them wisely—many of them are worth every penny you spend on them. But even the best ones are just tools, because it’s the Holy Spirit who works in teenagers’ lives, not programs or events. Don’t be surprised if something that was great two years ago doesn’t have the same impact that it used to. And don’t buy into the myth that if you could just find the right trip or small group curriculum, it would revolutionize your youth ministry. If you’re new to youth ministry leadership, let me share with you a piece of information that will come in handy: Much (if not most) marketing among Christian organizations and curriculum providers is downright sinful, because some organizations will do (and tell you) just about anything to get you to buy what they are selling. But that’s a post for another time.