Youth Ministry Tasks You Can Delegate to Volunteers and Teens

youth ministry tasks


Youth ministry tasks aren’t just for youth ministers. How well do you delegate? Are you reluctant to hand off certain responsibilities? Do you think you’re the only one capable of tackling some jobs?

Well, think again! Empowering youth ministry volunteers (and teens!) is a win-win situation. As you entrust others and build buy-in, you free up more time to build relationships with kids.

Why Youth Pastors Must Delegate

Learning to delegate youth ministry tasks is key to accomplishing more. It frees you to invest in ministry areas that most benefit your mission. Then you can focus on casting vision, creating new ideas, building relationships, and setting direction.

Plus, delegating small, bite-sized roles to others lets them take part in meaningful ministry. Countless ideas exist for delegation. But here’s why I believe it’s important: You become more of a coach than a doer. People in your church are gifted and equipped to do some things faster and better than you.

So for ministry effectiveness, you must become good at delegating roles and duties.

44 Youth Ministry Tasks to Delegate

Here is a starting list of youth ministry tasks to hand off. Then add your own!

1. Send letters to students.

2. Keep track of money from a fundraiser.

3. Oversee the checkbook.

4. Update the youth ministry Facebook page.

5. Prepare a monthly newsletter for parents.

6. Make phone calls when a student is absent.

7. Conduct publicity for the annual car wash.

8. Order T-shirts.

9. Speak during youth group meetings.

10. Lead a small group during the week.

11. Set up a texting group and contact students with youth info.

12. Build and maintain the youth website.

13. Lead worship during youth Sunday.

14. Greet and welcome students.

15. Follow up with new students.

16. Maintain the database.

17. Take pictures at events and post them.

18. Coordinate youth meals for Sunday nights.

19. Lead a game during the youth group meeting.

20. Operate the song lyrics for youth worship.

21. Plan one aspect of the annual lock-in, such as the bowling outing.

22. Pray for students individually.

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Tim Price
Tim Price, Christian, Husband and Dad, is the Founding Director of Harvest Ministry Teams, a non-for-profit equipping ministry for young leaders. Based in Troy, IL, Harvest is involved in ministry and training events for students, children and leaders all over the Midwest. He also serves on part-time at Troy United Methodist Church. Tim writes at sharing ideas, clarity and insights to help others confidently lead the church they serve. Follow him on Twitter: @timpriceblog.

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