Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Are You Failing Your Young Adult Ministry?

Are You Failing Your Young Adult Ministry?

3. Offer Job Seeker Groups.

Finding a job can be a place of heaviness in our lives. The Church can be a source of relief for all age groups in this time of transition.

For example, we could facilitate job fairs with local agencies, offer support groups and résumé classes. At my parents’ local congregation, a member started his own “Job Seekers” class once a month because he saw a need, and his skills allowed him to serve the body through career consulting and résumé review.

If our team can be of help to your church in learning how to encourage those in the job search, we’d be happy to help. 

4. Give Grace and Encourage Humility.

These years of development are ultimately shaping our character rather than our résumé, if submitted to completion. Give grace to our young adults who fall hard off the high mountaintop of saving all the orphans in Africa into the valley of reality, facing college loans and their childhood bedroom.

Offer truths that you’ve learned over the years of the faithfulness of God and most importantly, model humility. Yes, transition no matter where you are in life is challenging, but if there is the foundation of a humble heart before the Lord and towards one another, we’re set up for success.

When I think about Joseph and his character development, I often wonder what would have happened if he resisted each stage along the way? Would he have made it? If he did, would his response to his brothers be the same when they came to retrieve grain? I don’t know, but I see beauty in the process. Help your twentysomethings see the value of the process.

LIke Joseph, what did you experience in your young adult years that prepared you for what you’re facing today? Have you found a niche in your congregation to serve your twentysomethings? I’d love to hear your thoughts!