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Ammunition for the Fight Against Porn

Ammunition in Action

Paul has given you the ammunition to use in fighting and defeating sin. Now, follow the commands that this knowledge frees you to obey.

First, make it your habit to flee sexual immorality. Do not only avoid it; run from it. In the Old Testament, people “flee” from deadly foes (cf. Genesis 14:10) and other formidable dangers. Sexual immorality, however, poses a greater danger than any of those foes. Sexual immorality is the enemy of your soul; it wants to damn you forever.

Not only that, but sexual immorality strikes the core of our being. “Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body” (1 Corinthians 6:18) “fled” from adultery because he considered sexual immorality a “great wickedness and sin against God.” In fleeing, he was driven by a conviction and passion to obey and glorify God.

Second, glorify God with your body. In the Old Testament, the temple existed to bring glory to God and sanctify his name (1 Kings 8). Now that believers in Christ have replaced the temple, they are to glorify God and sanctify his name with their bodies. Because you were bought with the precious blood of Christ, like a slave, you belong to Christ, and you are commanded to glorify the one who paid the high price for you.

In Hosea 3, Hosea tells Gomer, who was once loved by another man, not to prostitute because of his relationship to her as her husband. Because Hosea bought Gomer with a price, he requires that she be chaste. “You shall not play the whore, or belong to another man; so will I also be to you” (Hosea 3:3). Because God has paid a ransom price for believers with the precious blood of his Son, we are bound to him. We are not whores. Glorify God with your body.