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10 Ways Prayer Will Change Your Life

5. Prayer changes things because it is available to anyone.

“We cannot all be leaders, but we can all be pleaders” (An All-Round Ministry, 314).

“God is ready to open this door. Remember, there is no cherub with fiery sword to guard this gate” (MTP 29:303).

“You feel on a sudden, possibly in the midst of business, the pressing thought that you must retire to pray” (MTP 11:148, italics in the original).

6. Prayer changes things because it is our spiritual thermometer. 

“Prayer is the thermometer of grace” (MTP 37:95).

“Power in prayer is very much the gauge of our spiritual condition” (MTP 34:19).

“The act of prayer teaches us our unworthiness” (MTP 9:243).

7. Prayer changes things because it prepares us for praise.

“Prayer is the breathing in of the air of heaven, and praise is the breathing of it out again” (MTP 44:577).

“The prayers of the church measure its prosperity” (MTP 28:547).

“I believe that God’s church might have inconceivable blessings if she were but ready now to pray” (MTP 28:551).

“Praise should always follow answered prayer, as the mist of Earth’s gratitude rises when the sun of Heaven’s love warms the ground” (MTP 9:247).

8. Prayer changes things because it raises godly children.

“Parents prayed for me; God heard their cries, and here I am to preach the gospel” (MTP 11:150).

“I am sure we cannot expect our children to grow up a godly seed if there is no family prayer” (MTP 61:526).

9. Prayer changes things because it helps us prevail.

“He who can truly pray has first read the heart of God, and then spoken out what is there. Prayer overcometh the Eternal” (MTP 48:491).