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4 Foundational Summer Priorities


Plan a vacation with your family or friends. Get some “me time.” No, I’m not saying, “take the entire summer off.” But plan a week or two—whatever you need—to just truly “rest.”

Escape your normal surroundings. Read that book you’ve wanted to read that’s not a ministry assignment. Rent a whole season of that TV series that you wanted to see but missed. Go to that vacation spot you’ve been wanting to go to…the one that you can afford! (in Fresno)

Get closer to God. Get closer to your family. Rejuvenate!

Where does this fit on your summer calendar? Make it fit!

Summer is so much more than just swimming pools and water balloon launchers, which both are great ministry tools, by the way. But don’t get caught up so much in the tools or the venues that we forget the purpose behind them. Build relationships with students this summer. Recruit more workers for the harvest. Prepare students to help you reach young people in your community. Rest!

Now only one question remains: what’s the first step you need to take to make these happen?