Home Pastors Videos For Pastors What to Do When You Don’t Feel God’s Love

What to Do When You Don’t Feel God’s Love

What to Do When You Don't Feel God's Love

When a Christian grapples with his or her sinfulness, it is not long before that person begins to ask, “How can God love me”? This is especially true when it seems like we repeat some of the same sinful patterns that plagued us before our redemption in Christ. Jefferson Bethke, a prominent Christian on YouTube, addresses this feeling in a recent video.

Jefferson exhorts his viewers to be careful not to rely on feelings to determine God’s love for them. God loves out of His nature, and therefore his love is constant no matter how we feel. This can be illustrated by something in nature that Jefferson witnesses on a regular basis. He lives in Hawaii and therefore sees many beautiful and huge waterfalls.

So what do you do when you don’t feel loved by God? Jefferson offers some ideas. Enjoy the video!