Home Worship & Creative Leaders 7 Things Jesus Would Say to the LGBT Community

7 Things Jesus Would Say to the LGBT Community

4. What would Jesus say? I understand wanting a different identity.

(Mt. 26:39; Phil. 2:6-11)

All of us at one time or another go through times when either we wish we were someone else or not who we are. Does it surprise you that Jesus did also?

In the reference in Matthew, Jesus was in such grief over what was ahead for him that he fell to the ground and begged his Father to make this cup pass from him. The cup was becoming the sacrifice of death for you and me. It seems he would have done anything to switch places and bypass becoming our sin. But he did not!

In the verses in Philippians, there is a partial description of what Jesus left behind in heaven. I am sure that in a certain sense Jesus experienced some sort of regret as he was leaving heaven for this sinful and mixed-up world to spend 33 1/2 years in a sort of exile. In human terms, we would say that a person in such a situation would wish to switch places and let another go in his stead.

5. What would Jesus say? I want more for you than just temporary, physical satisfaction.

Find your joy and satisfaction in Me, your Savior!

(Mt. 19:4-6; Eph. 3:17-21; I Tim. 2:4)

Neither the Bible nor Jesus deny the physical pleasures of life. They do tell us that physical pleasures are fleeting and temporary and must be under the control of the laws that God has set up, or the warmth of pleasure will become the fire that burns the house down.

The Scriptures also at every turn tell us that the spiritual is eternal and the physical is temporal.

That is why Jesus taught and the apostles passed on things like, “Set your affections on things that are above/in the heavens and not on things that are below/only here on this earth” (Col. 3:2). And “The one who sows to the flesh shall reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit shall reap everlasting life” (Gal. 6:8).

6. What would Jesus say? The sexual sin you are committing is ruining your body and condemning your soul.

(Gen. 19:1-28; Lev. 18:22, 20:13; Ezek. 16:46-50; Mk. 10:6; Jo. 10:35; Rom. 1:18-27; I Cor. 6:9-10; Jude 7-8)

This article is not about tendencies or attractions but rather explicit and overt homosexual relations.

The Scripture teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that the sexual relationship is to be expressed within this relationship. Biblical teaching confirms this truth by pointing to the creation ordinance where God made man and woman and declared the two were to become one flesh.