6. With 2,261,309 views, the pastor of the nation’s largest church makes his debut on the list in the sixth spot. In a sermon titled “Choose To Be Happy,” Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen said that “if you’ll choose to see the good and expect favor, your attitude of faith will allow God to do incredible things in your life.”
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7. Bishop Jakes‘ sermon titled “Trusting Beyond Knowing” asked, “Can you trust God wholeheartedly when you can’t see what He’s doing?” Jakes told his viewers (2,250,956 and counting) that Christians want to know God’s plan before it happens. However, the Bishop argued, “We must stand firm in our faith. Where ambiguity frustrates us, it’s our faith that fortifies us. Don’t be moved when you can’t find the answers you’re looking for.”
8. The Grammy Award winning Bishop Jakes’ “Unlock Your Limitations” sermon has been viewed over 2,251,700 times. Speaking out of Luke 5, Jakes shared, “We often ask God to bless us with more, while at the same time, feeling unable to let go of our unbelief. Like Simon on the brink of giving up in Luke 5, we learn faith and a faulty mindset cannot sit in the same boat. When we lack the courage to push past our limitations, we continue to live on the level of what we believe. If you thought it was too late for you, grab your nets—God is calling you to launch into the deep!”
Slots 9 and 10 are also taken by Bishop Jakes with both sermons having over 1.9 million views. Jakes’ “Tomorrow Belongs to God” and “Don’t Leave Like you Came!” were both delivered earlier this year.
In “Tomorrow Belongs to God,” Jakes discussed how worry can make one feel like the walking dead.
“Prayers of peace, prayers of the spirit, prayers of submission, prayers of deliverance…all of these contain the power to break your devil’s hold over you. Remember this truth when trouble strikes: Tomorrow belongs to God,” Jakes explained.
In his sermon “Don’t Leave Like you Came,” Bishop Jakes challenged viewers to break out of the comfortable constraints they’ve grown accustomed to. Jakes said, “No longer will you stay chained to who you used to be. In this season, you’re stepping into a new dimension that will require you to reintroduce yourself.”
Bishop Jakes’ pupil, pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church, almost made the top ten with his sermon “A Troubled Mind And An Open Door.” In the sermon, which has been viewed over 1.8 million times, Furtick taught that the enemy doesn’t have the ability to close the doors that God has opened. However, the devil does try to keep us from walking through them.
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